
Monthly payments due on the 15th of month (starting July 15, 2020) of $370 per month   OR

4 Installments of $1,170   OR

1 time payment of $4,400

*Creation Rites Ceremony is not included in this reciprocity.  In the past, each cohort has fundraised as a group to support their Creation Rites Ceremony.

*Withdrawal from Container:  When you cross the threshold into the Initiation Journey, you make a commitment to yourself to see your Initiation process through. We ask that you commit, also, to your tuition and therefore request that you honor an agreement to pay the amount you agree to upon beginning your journey. If, for some reason such as an emergency you need to withdraw from this container, we can discuss a 50% refund of installments/1 time payments up until and no later than October 31, 2020. (If paying on a monthly basis, there will be no refunds). Thank you for your understanding.